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Principal Message

Principal Message

Dear Parents, 

You and your child are in such an exciting time of life!  There are so many fun and exciting lessons to learn in Preschool, Kindergarten, and First grade, and the ELC Staff and I are excited to be a part of this time of your life for you and your child.  We aim to set up and environment that is safe and fun for your child to learn. We have a strong emphasis on developing your child's love of reading and reading skills. We also want to build their math skills through thinking, games, and play.  We want to provide all kinds of different learning experiences for your student to develop academically and grow as a young person who knows how to interact and play with others. 


You should expect a warm and safe atmosphere at the Early Learning Center.  Our building is full of adults who care for students and believe in their ability to learn.  We work hard to develop classroom lessons and experiences that are rich in learning. 

We want to partner with you in your child's education. We want you to feel welcome in our school.  We encourage you to volunteer at our school and attend our parent nights and other activities. I am available to meet with any parent regarding any volunteer opportunities or concerns that you may have.  Simply call or drop by the front desk and they will be sure to arrange a meeting. 

Parents often ask, "What can I do to help?".  Here are five easy, but very important, ways to help your child be successful:

1. Set consistent bedtimes for your child to make sure they get the sleep they need 

for their bodies and brains to develop the right way.

2. Read with your child every day for 30 minutes.  Kids love the library, and we will 

send materials home as well. 

3. Make sure your student is in school every day on time.  Learning begins 

promptly at 9:10am.

4. Ensure your child eats a healthy breakfast.  Free breakfast is served at school 

daily from 8:50 am - 9:10am.

5. Be informed on what your student is learning: 


Kindergarten parents, see this link.  

First grade parents, see this link.

We are going to have a great year of fun, excitement, and most importantly, learning!  I encourage you to sign up for my parent communication through the Remind App using the link and instructions on the right side of this page.  I will send updates, information , and reminders through this method frequently. It's a free service and easy to use. If you have difficulty, feel free to stop in.  We'll be glad to help you!

Thank you for partnering with us and entrusting us with your children.  I look forward to working with you this year!